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Private Dentist Leeds

Title: Private Dentist Leeds
URL: https://www.yorkshiredentalsuite.co.uk/
Description: If you are looking for affordable, effective and long lasting dental implants in Leeds, Yorkshire then our friendly and expert implants team can help. Lots of Dentists can place dental implants, but what makes us different? Our specialist oral surgeon Dr. Abdul Dalghous has over 20 years of experience in placing dental implants and his client reviews speak for themselves. He is one of the few Specialist oral surgeons in the U.K. (not just Yorkshire) that places dental implants also with the option of sedation in order to make your treatment more pleasurable. Even one missing tooth can knock your confidence, make chewing painful or awkward, and affect the way you speak. But you don’t have to suffer and accept it. A small titanium implant will replace the roots of the tooth that was once there, providing stable support for a single crown to replace one missing tooth, or a bridge/denture to replace multiple missing teeth. The implant will bring your smile back, help you chew properly and have you talking normally again without feeling insecure or self-conscious.